Voices Heard Publishing, LLC

A Nonfiction Anthology, Vol. 1 © 2024

Multiple fromats © 2023

Founded in February 2022 by Dr. Ping Zhang, VHP is an independent publisher that addresses some of the challenges many authors face to publish their manuscripts or simply have their voices heard. We will gradually add more services. Besides offering services, VHP also connects talents with demands.  

Ping is a professor at Syracuse University since 1995. She enjoys real people's life stories. She wants to share these stories with a broad audience to bridge gaps related to cultural backgrounds, personal experiences, adverse events, and life adventures. She hopes such stories can enhance understanding and acceptance among all people. 

To learn more about Ping's academic credentials, visit https://pzhang.expressions.syr.edu/ 

email: VoicesHeardPublishing@gmail.com

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